Saturday, November 05, 2005

10/29/05 Saturday Dinner cont'd. This wasn't my cooking, actually. This was my mom's. She makes awesome filet mignons and the best steamed string beans. When I was a kid I hated the string beans though. They are still cruncy and aren't seasoned with anything except their own flavor. Actually, what I used to do is really disgusting. I used to chew them for a while, then when I couldn't swallow them, I'd pretend to go to the bathroom and spit them in the toilet. This I'd do several times during dinner, despite the fact that the whole family was sitting around the table and obviously could hear me. I'm sure they knew what I was doing. We had family dinners my whole life, which was great. Either that, or I'd grab a swig of soda (which wasn't supposed to be allowed until after we finished eating) and wash the string beans down with that. Isn't that gross? But it worked. It's probably why I'm so damn short now, never eating my vegetables.
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