Saturday, November 05, 2005

10/30/05 Sunday Dinner. This is really bad, but I ate Cocoa Krispies for dinner. Back in my senior year of college, I ate Cocoa Krispies every day for every meal for a number of months, like about 7 months. I seriously ate nothing but Cocoa Krispies. I only drank Fiji water for that same time. This is what I called "the Cocoa Krispies diet" because what resulted was amazing. I went from a size 8 to a size 5, and that's in the same number and wash of Levi's jeans. Because back on my birthday my friend Mitch had stolen me a pair of Levi's that were awesome, and then by graduation, they were way, way too big. So I took them to the Levi's store and asked for the same pair, and much to my astonishment, I was now a size 5. My roommate Cindy was actually doing a whole lot of yoga that year as well, but she didn't lose pants sizes as fast as I did. So, I'm in no way condoning an all-cereal diet, I'm just lettin' ya know what it did for me.
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