Saturday, November 05, 2005

10/30/05 Sunday Lunch. This is a Philly thing. I need to educate you. Wawa is a higher-quality 7/11. People actually trust their sandwiches and even crave them. Their hoagies are unparalleled! Like, seriously! They're all high-tech in Wawas now, with touch-screen computers on which you create your custom order instead of actually talking to the guy throwing around the meat. Their sandwich-makers wear hair nets, no matter how short their hair is. Get the Italian or Turkey Hoagie on Wheat with mayo. Their mayo is homemade I think, and it's the bomb. Today, I went to Wawa (since I miss them in New York) for macaroni and cheese. I knew in advance what my mom would say when I sat down to eat it. Okay, it does look so nasty that I won't put the picture up here, but it tastes soooooooo good! I love mac 'n cheese by the way. If you make it well, please email me and we can discuss my buying some from you. Seriously.
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