Saturday, November 05, 2005

10/29/05 Saturday Dinner a home-cooked meal finally! My mom made this amazing filet mignon. I guess I'm spoiled because even though filet mignon is the best part of the cow for steak, I routinely turn this dish down because my mom always makes it. Even better is the filet mignon roast that she makes for Thanksgiving and Christmas on the backyard grill. It's like roast beef but all tender and reddish because of the flames. Mmm. I'm not used to home-cooked meals anymore. Well, that's not true. I occasionally cook for my boyfriend and I want to do it more often, but most of the time he cooks for me. It is awesome of him, but I sometimes feel bad for not being "the girl." I'm not so postmodern that it doesn't bother me.
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